The chronicle of a dark and dangerous journey through a world gone mad.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Throughts From The Resistance - Demonstrations

Demonstrations against the Marxist junta which has illegally seized power must continue. But those demonstrations MUST BE PEACEFUL and they MUST BE BROUGHT HOME TO LOCAL POLITICIANS. Collaborators must be unquestionably shown that they will not have our support if they support the regime but they also must not be given a remotely plausible reason to suppress the message.
1. Designate a single spokesperson who has been carefully briefed and direct all communication through them. Do not allow anyone else to speak for the group.
2. Hide your real leaders in the crowd and do not identify them to anyone. There will be cameras everywhere trying to pick out the leaders. Once the demonstration starts do not visibly go to them for direction. If you are arrested and interrogated, identify the public spokesman only as the leader and organizer.
3. Do not allow strangers, hot heads, loudmouths and rabble-rousers to be part of your demonstration. Designate several "handy" men from your group to either cool them or get them off the scene when they try to agitate. They are there for a reason, to provoke your people into inappropriate behavior and to provide cover for the police to disperse and arrest you.
4. Do not allow showy, provocative makeup, costumes, etc. Your demonstrators must look and act like reasonable people, soccer moms, accountants, grandma and grandpa. The wild eyed nut cases are the people the media always seek to interview and they do not speak for group. Keep them out if possible and if not keep them marginalized from the rest of the group.
5. Leave the guns at home or in your car. I am a firm believer in the Second Amendment. But these types of demonstrations are no place for a "show of force." You are there to convince politicians and the public that you are law abiding reasonable people that simply will not tolerate their collaboration with the new illegal regime. There must be no plausible reason to suggest that you are threatening theirs or anyone else's safety. In this game, the person who is perceived to use or show force first LOSES.


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