In less than sixty days the American Church will be turned over to its enemies. Obama's "fundamental transformation" will look like a bump in the road compared to the rocky road ahead for American Christians.
I was writing for a college student newspaper during the days after the Tiananmen Square massacre. I had the privilege of meeting and interviewing a young Chinese student couple who managed to escape into Hong Kong and eventually to the U.S. A year later, they still could not believe that their beloved People's Army which was made up of their own people would turn the tanks and machine guns on them.
There is bluster about civil war but when the tanks and humvees roll down the streets and the National Guard starts going door to door seizing guns and ammo the sunshine patriots and self deluded verbal warriors will surrender because, just as they did in seeking a political solution to a spiritual problem, they will see nothing else to do. When this happened in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, Oklahoma's own 45th Division troopers went door to door illegally seizing citizens firearms beating down any who resisted and sending them to a de facto concentration camp in a football stadium. Everyone who has ever worn a uniform knows that in the real word not the make believe world of the wannabe warriors, soldiers obey their orders even if they are given by evil, despicable people, Ma Deuce trumps your AR-15 every time, one gunship trumps hundreds of them and trained troops trump a rabble with John Wayne fantasies every time.
Two questions are paramount. First, why did this happen? If we don't know what we did wrong we can't know how to repent from it. Second, what do we do now?
Why did this happen? The answer is both incredibly simple and highly complex. At the heart of the matter, the church let itself worship a worldly idol of politics and look to it to save the culture instead of obeying the Word of God and remaining the one institution in culture that could not be compromised with political promises. The crop of political compromises starting from the Jerry Falwell era came to complete harvest last week when the GOP APPOINTED US Supreme Court effectively ruled that election fraud on a massive scale was "constitutional."
What do we do now? We quit thinking in terms of saving the country or even our state and worry first about our own souls, the souls of our families and neighbors and finally the souls of our churches. Until the American Church repents God cannot and will not intervene on our behalf. Then each person, each family and each church must make up their mind that they will obey God rather than man in the dark days ahead and in the words of Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer “not simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice (but) drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”
Thoughts by a respected area pastor:
There is no such thing as the rule of law in this country anymore. If you are creative enough and have media backing you, courts too afraid to speak to obvious voter fraud, and politicians who govern with the philosophy “the end justifies the means” without the fear of rewards and punishment from God Himself, then finding ways of getting around the law becomes a game of who can be the most creative in avoiding doing what is right and getting away with it. As a Vietnam war veteran I believe this nation owes me and every veteran who ever served an apology for its trashing the very reason we served for and many died for, a Constitutional Republic. I am ashamed of the lawlessness that is being allowed in this nation. It makes my service and that of all veterans a sham. I am disgusted. The rule of law is a sham in this country. It is a joke!
Thoughts from the most successful revolutionary and guerilla leader of the past century. His name was Ho Chi Minh:
To reap a return in ten years, plant trees. To reap a return in 100, cultivate the people.
Remember that the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and their stability.
Love other human beings as you would love yourself.
Our mountains will always be, our rivers will always be, our people will always be, ..... we will rebuild our land ten times more beautiful.
To be a man one must suffer the blows of misfortune.
Thoughts from Patrick Henry:
[Our Constitution] is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.
You ought to be extremely cautious, watchful, jealous of your liberty; for instead of securing your rights, you may lose them forever.
Why did this happen? The answer is both incredibly simple and highly complex. At the heart of the matter, the church let itself worship a worldly idol of politics and look to it to save the culture instead of obeying the Word of God and remaining the one institution in culture that could not be compromised with political promises. The crop of political compromises starting from the Jerry Falwell era came to complete harvest last week when the GOP APPOINTED US Supreme Court effectively ruled that election fraud on a massive scale was "constitutional."
What do we do now? We quit thinking in terms of saving the country or even our state and worry first about our own souls, the souls of our families and neighbors and finally the souls of our churches. Until the American Church repents God cannot and will not intervene on our behalf. Then each person, each family and each church must make up their mind that they will obey God rather than man in the dark days ahead and in the words of Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer “not simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice (but) drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”
Thoughts by a respected area pastor:
There is no such thing as the rule of law in this country anymore. If you are creative enough and have media backing you, courts too afraid to speak to obvious voter fraud, and politicians who govern with the philosophy “the end justifies the means” without the fear of rewards and punishment from God Himself, then finding ways of getting around the law becomes a game of who can be the most creative in avoiding doing what is right and getting away with it. As a Vietnam war veteran I believe this nation owes me and every veteran who ever served an apology for its trashing the very reason we served for and many died for, a Constitutional Republic. I am ashamed of the lawlessness that is being allowed in this nation. It makes my service and that of all veterans a sham. I am disgusted. The rule of law is a sham in this country. It is a joke!
Thoughts from the most successful revolutionary and guerilla leader of the past century. His name was Ho Chi Minh:
To reap a return in ten years, plant trees. To reap a return in 100, cultivate the people.
Remember that the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and their stability.
Love other human beings as you would love yourself.
Our mountains will always be, our rivers will always be, our people will always be, ..... we will rebuild our land ten times more beautiful.
To be a man one must suffer the blows of misfortune.
Thoughts from Patrick Henry:
[Our Constitution] is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.
You ought to be extremely cautious, watchful, jealous of your liberty; for instead of securing your rights, you may lose them forever.
Power is the great evil with which we are contending. We have divided power between three branches of government and erected checks and balances to prevent abuse of power. However, where is the check on the power of the judiciary? If we fail to check the power of the judiciary, I predict that we will eventually live under judicial tyranny.
Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.
My most cherished possession I wish I could leave you is my faith in Jesus Christ, for with Him and nothing else you can be happy, but without Him and with all else you'll never be happy.
This is how you take back the culture. Not by bluster. Not by politics. But by talent and unshakeable convictions.
“In 1965, Charles Schulz, a devout Christian and creator of the Peanuts comic strip, was asked to create a Christmas special for CBS featuring the Peanuts Characters. He agreed with one requirement, that they allow him to include the story of the birth of Jesus. Although the stations executives were hesitant and tried to convince him otherwise, Schulz was insistent. As a result, for the past 50 plus years, millions of people have watched and “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and heard the story of Jesus and “what Christmas is all about.”
It wasn’t until a few years back that I realized a “hidden message” in the film. Linus, a child who seems to have some insecurities as he carries a security blanket with him at all times. In fact, Linus NEVER drops his blanket, except once....
While sharing the message of “what Christmas is all about,” Linus drops his blanket at the exact moment he says the words, “fear not!”
In this seemingly innocent moment, Linus delivers a powerful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. We are to “fear not”, for Jesus is born. We needn’t rely on material things for security, we have God with us, “Immanuel”, (Matthew 1:23) Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior - the true meaning of Christmas.
Awhile back, someone informed me, indignantly so, that Linus picks up his blanket at the end of the speech so my interpretation must be wrong. Well, he was right, Linus does pick up his blanket at the end of his speech. However, he “drops” it again later...
Amid big, bright, colorful, shiny artificial trees, Charlie Brown chose the least of these, a little, wooden tree with just a few branches. Shortly thereafter, Linus uses his blanket to wrap about the base of the tree and says, “Maybe it just needs a little love”. In that moment, the tree “awakens”, stands tall and firm. A reminder that no matter who we are, how many mistakes we’ve made, a “little love” can make all the difference.
Let’s strive to “fear not” (Luke 2:10) and “love one another” (John 13:34), not just at Christmastime, but the whole year through.”
Borrowed from
Charlene M. Speer & ‘Christian Life Ministry’ on Facebook...
During the American Revolutionary War only three percent of the colonists actively supported the revolution. Forget about your dreams of leading the masses and "building up a base." The masses will always follow the path of least resistance. Jesus chose only twelve followers and one of them was a traitor. Concentrate upon finding and allying yourself with that reliable three percent of hard men who will actually do the job.
Do not compromise either morally or politically. Moral compromise inevitably leads to political compromise and betrayal. Ally yourself only with men of honor who will not compromise.
Do not allow yourself to be identified with any political figure, movement or group. These labels are harmful and dangerous. Your "labelled" influence may be used by the unscrupulous to betray the cause.
Do not become a public figure. Avoid the media. Don't have your picture taken with public figures or for news coverage. Don't allow pictures to be taken at your meetings. Public anonymity is your best friend.
Keep your meetings small and private. If there are a hundred people in the room you can be certain that at least one is a federal informant or agent.
Meet in places where strangers are easy to identify.
Only share on a need to know basis. Work in cells. Only enough people for the specific task.
Remember that you may not see victory in your lifetime but honorable work in a just cause always bears fruit.
"The Resistance member must move through the people like a fish swims though the sea....."
Don't make waves unless it is to your tactical and strategic advantage.
Don't draw attention to yourself in action. Resistance leaders should be invisible in a demonstration or other action and their actual identities only known to a trusted few.
Don't draw attention to yourself in daily life. Your activities are nobody's business except for those actually involved. Disappear into the community.
Learn to use mafia speak. Not Sicilian slang but rather the ability to make important communications on media known to be bugged by using a set of code words and phrases based upon common knowledge known only to the people speaking. You may not fool the people listening for long but you will also not give them enough specific info for a warrant.
Be non-violent. In the face of massively superior force violence is counterproductive and even futile. Your weapons are your traditions, your ideas, your commitment, your honor and your moral superiority to those who would oppress you.
Accept the fact that your co-workers will betray you. A federal prosecutor can break just about anyone if they choose to. A good prosecutor can even convince most people that betraying their closest friend is the right and patriotic thing to do. Most people will turn state's evidence if their family or livelihood is threatened. Given that, keep your cells very small and when you notice a person wavering, let them go graciously and move on.
"Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the "political animal" that Aristotle defined. In effect, the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war. And conceived as the military target of guerrilla war, the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once his mind has been reached, the "political animal" has been defeated, without receiving bullets.
"Guerrilla warfare is born and grows in the political environment; in the constant combat to dominate that area of political mentality that is inherent to all human beings and which collectively constitutes the"environment" in which guerrilla warfare moves, and which is where precisely its victory or failure is defined. This conception of guerrilla warfare as political war turns Psychological Operations into the decisive factor of the results. The target, then, is the minds of the population, all the population: our troops, the enemy troops and the civilian population."
These are instructions for the training of guerrillas in psychological operations, and its application to the concrete case of the Christian and constitutional crusade to be waged.
This week in one issue of "Thoughts From The Resistance" I quoted the most brilliant military leader and political revolutionary of the 20th century. He was the father of modern asymmetrical warfare theory.
This man was a patriot for his own country. He fought bravely alongside the allied forces in WWII. He admired George Washington and repeatedly petitioned the U.S. to recognize him and his movement. Instead at the end of the war the US turned these loyal allies over to the French who had collaborated with the Axis. The French in turn turned them over to the Japanese whom they were using as colonial police until they could get their own troops back in their colonies.
After that, his people went back underground and within three decades had defeated the most powerful country with the largest standing army on earth, not on the battlefield, but on the entire range of warfare for men's hearts and minds.
What he has to say on practical matters of political warfare is at least as important today if not more so than anything from the American Revolutionary era since he developed and implemented tactics and strategies that work under modern circumstances against overwhelming military force.
His name was Ho Chi Minh and his betrayal by the US is an object lesson in both the un-trustworthiness of all politicians and the price that a nation must inevitably pay for betraying freedom seeking people.
This week in one issue of "Thoughts From The Resistance" I quoted a remarkable document. Most American Christians don't know that the U.S. under the Reagan Administration backed a Christian revolution in Latin America.
The most that most Americans know about this long running last of the "bannana republic" wars consists of a smattering of knowledge about the Oliver North debacle and a flag waving apocalyptic propaganda movie about what could happen if they failed, Red Dawn.
The document quoted was the CIA's psy-ops manual for the CONTRAS edited to adopt non-violent tactics.
Jesus the Revolutionary
"........ there have been some who have sought to portray Jesus as a political revolutionary. They have sought his endorsement, if you will, of their own political causes. In response, more traditional Christians have denied the revolutionary intent of Jesus, affirming that his efforts were spiritual in focus, and basically irrelevant to matters of governing and economics.
"In my opinion, both sides of this argument miss the point of Jesus’ message and ministry. To be sure, he was not your run of the mill political revolutionary. In fact, when the authorities came to arrest him on the night prior to his crucifixion, Jesus rebuked the efforts of his disciples to fight with weapons. He asked those who sought to seize him, “Am I some dangerous revolutionary,...that you come with swords and clubs to arrest me?” (22:53). In the original Greek of this passage, Jesus said, “Am I a thief...?” Yet the Greek word for thief (lestes) was used in this time for a guerilla movement that sought to fight against the Romans (see Josephus, Jewish War, 2.13.3). So our translation properly renders the sense of Jesus’ question. He was asking, “Am I your typical revolutionary?” The answer, of course, was “No.”
"But, though Jesus refrained from armed, political opposition to Roman authority, he was indeed a revolutionary in another sense. He proclaimed the kingdom of God, hailing God alone as the one true King over heaven and earth. He called his followers, as citizens of God’s kingdom, to live in a radically different way on earth. Rather than hating their enemies, they were to love them. Rather than seeking revenge, the disciples of Jesus were to turn the other cheek. No ordinary revolutionary would say things like this. But Jesus was advancing a deeper and more pervasive revolution, the overthrow of the kingdom of the Evil One and the victory of the kingdom of God.
"As followers of Jesus today, we should surely be concerned with and involved in matters of governing. But we misconstrue the revolution of Jesus if we make it primarily about a political agenda, no matter which one we prefer. Rather, we are to revolt against the values of this fallen world, choosing instead to live by the standards of God’s kingdom. Rather than seeking our own good, we are to seek what’s best for others. Rather than seeking revenge, we are to forgive. Rather than seeking to dominate, we are to serve. Rather than being consumed with hatred, we are to be people who love."
Cowardice almost always simply postpones confronting a danger. The US Supreme Court exhibited shocking cowardice by not addressing election fraud allegations. Trump acolytes are whistling in the dark hoping for a final miracle. Congress will cave, Biden will be confirmed and then (and let us pray this does not happen) the civil war will have begun in earnest.
The better path is non-violent passive resistance, simply refusing to recognize the illegitimate government in daily life. Just don't legitimize the illegal Marxist Junta by willing submission. The other alternative, the path of violence, will lead to troops in the streets, bloodshed and disaster.
In the days to follow, if you allow it to happen you will be taken on an emotional and factual roller coaster ride concerning the Nashville bombing. In the end, it is highly possible that "right wing pro-Trump terrorists" will be blamed.
Don't forget your history. Socialist have no compunction about committing violence for political ends and then blaming their opposition. The Nazi's burned their own legislature and then blamed it on their political opponents. Later, Nazi special forces raided a German radio station on the Polish border to give them a pretext to invade Poland and thus start WWII.
Don't let yourself be sucked into the planned political narrative federal law enforcement agencies use to "close" cases instead of "solve" them. Concentrate instead on who benefits and then make up your mind.
I have the annoying ability to figure out "who done it" in most modern movies, tv shows, etc. While I have shared my secret dozens of times people still look at it like black magic.
Well, here is the secret for all of you who can and will understand it and its not black magic. Just don't get sucked into the narrative. These people are putting on a show for you. Every piece of information they present is designed to either direct or divert your attention and thus your logical processes toward their desired result. It's all just a show.
Instead of following the narrative, use your head. Realize that no piece of information presented is irrelevant rather it is either a clue or misdirection. Instead of focusing on what the actors are saying and doing ask yourself what the WRITERS and DIRECTORS had in mind when they presented that piece of information or that scene.
When you do that you realize two things. First, the primary plot will almost always be very easy to follow and solve so long as you don't go along for the intellectual and emotional ride the writers and directors have planned for you. It is designed that way to keep you interested.
But second, you will also realize that there is a plot beneath the plot. In that plot, your are being fed emotional and intellectual triggers to guide your thinking and decision making process toward the current cultural and political narrative. AND THAT IS THE TRUE PLOT OF ALMOST ALL ENTERTAINMENT THESE DAYS.
A lot of people are fantasizing about a last minute Trump coup that will save the country from the effects of the most corrupt, illegal election in American history. So corrupt and illegal that it constitutes a left wing coup. While I applaud the efforts, the fact is that we lost the courts a decade ago and without a fair arbiter of the law it is simply not going to happen.
Others are fantasizing about armed resistance to a Biden Presidency imagining that they will call the population to arms, rally around the flag and armed with small arms and improvised devices take on the US Army. Yes, the US Army will follow orders and it will put down what the courts define as a "rebellion." Look at New Orleans during Katrina for a quick history lesson on this point. Or look at Tiananmen Square.
I would suggest that American Patriots look to another revolution for their model. Jesus Christ lived 33 years on this earth but he set in motion a revolution that overturned the greatest empire on earth in only 300 years. And, His revolution is still alive today in the hearts of His followers. What did this revolution look like?
First, it was non-violent. Jesus repeatedly refused to allow his disciples to become part of the violent Zealot movement that sought to overthrow Roman rule by force of arms.
Second it was non-political. The Jesus revolution concentrated on making disciples not political activists, strong men of faith with strong character and strong families who could convince others to follow them by the strength of their presence.
Third, it practiced passive resistance. The Christian martyrs were not crucified, burned, fed to lions, etc. for rebellion. Instead they simply refused to bow the knee to Caesar. And every time they martyred Christians, they diluted their own strength and bolstered their opposition.
Fourth, it looked to the long game. Instead of aiming for a quick victory in a bloody rebellion, the Jesus revolution counts every soul saved, every disciple made, every family strengthened, every work of charity given as an immediate tactical victory which bit by bit and piece by piece undermines and shames the corrupt government imposing its will upon the people.
At this stage in the game, the side that resorts to violence loses. If the new regime (I will not call it a government since that implies that it operates by the consent of the governed) has to resort to violence to impose its will eventually it loses. It is literally forced to show its hand and reveal what it is, a totalitarian regime imposing the will of a few upon the many. On the other hand, if the resistance resorts to violence, it gives the regime public justification to apply force to silence its political enemies.
The first American Revolution only worked because it was preceded by the Great Awakening. If we are to take America back from the scum that have seized power we are going to have to win back the minds and souls of the people before even thinking about any further steps.
A lot of people have conquering hero daydreams of Americans rising up under force of arms at a new Concord Green or Alamo. While that worked in 1776 it probably would not work today. Modern revolutions and counter revolutions are made of more subtle and sophisticated stuff.
The first goal of the Resistance is to resist. Not by force of arms but rather by force of will and character. This is difficult for many since it places the duty to act upon the individual in their individual capacity in their individual lives and leaves them no group identity to hide behind. The duty of the Resistance member is to passively resist wherever their conscience requires it.
The first rule of action for the Resistance is to refuse to recognize the incoming regime as a legitimate government of the United States. They may rule by force but the Resistance member refuses to let them claim that they rule by consent of the governed. That allegiance is reserved for legitimate governments truly operating by consent of the governed. The Resistance member will refuse to give that consent.
Instead, the Resistance member will treat the incoming regime as what they are, a left wing junta that illegally seized power which are now operating as an occupying force. Like the Jews in Jesus time the Resistance member may owe them some duty under Romans 13 but cannot give them allegiance. Christians are commanded to be in this world but not of it. The same must apply to this regime. While we may find ourselves in it we must not allow ourselves to become of it.
The effect of this rule of action is that Resistance members will clog up the system. By their non violent refusal to violate their conscience and enforce the rules of the illegal junta they will force the junta to employ increasingly more drastic measures to maintain the illusion of government by consent. This will in turn destroy the normalcy bias of the masses and de-legitimize the junta in the eyes of the majority of people who seek political accommodation. It will make rule by the illusion of consent impossible. It will force the hand of the junta and make them reveal themselves for what they are despots and tyrants.
How would this work out in practice. It should not be difficult for the committed Christian. If something doesn't seem right, don't do it. If your conscience or the Holy Spirit convicts you don't do it. If you know it is immoral don't do it. Here are some examples:
You are a delivery truck driver. Part of your route includes deliveries to an abortion clinic. Ask your boss nicely to either exclude the account from your route or assign you to a new route. Be kind, gentle and non confrontational but firm. And realize you may lose your job.
You work in a human resources office. You are told that only minority applicants will be considered for the open position you are interviewing for. Ask your boss nicely to assign this task to someone else since discriminating against ANYONE on the basis of skin color violates your conscience. And once again, realize you may lose your job.
You are a police officer. You are advised to look the other way when protestors from one side attack peaceful protestors from the other side. Refuse to obey the order and report your superior. And, you may lose your job.
At the end of WWII, American officers and enlisted men went through the city of Dachau and forced the local population at gunpoint to come out and see what they had been going along with for nearly a decade. DO NOT GO ALONG TO GET ALONG because some day someone, God if not an invading army, will force you to look at, see and smell what you allowed to happen in your country.
Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.
My most cherished possession I wish I could leave you is my faith in Jesus Christ, for with Him and nothing else you can be happy, but without Him and with all else you'll never be happy.
This is how you take back the culture. Not by bluster. Not by politics. But by talent and unshakeable convictions.
“In 1965, Charles Schulz, a devout Christian and creator of the Peanuts comic strip, was asked to create a Christmas special for CBS featuring the Peanuts Characters. He agreed with one requirement, that they allow him to include the story of the birth of Jesus. Although the stations executives were hesitant and tried to convince him otherwise, Schulz was insistent. As a result, for the past 50 plus years, millions of people have watched and “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and heard the story of Jesus and “what Christmas is all about.”
It wasn’t until a few years back that I realized a “hidden message” in the film. Linus, a child who seems to have some insecurities as he carries a security blanket with him at all times. In fact, Linus NEVER drops his blanket, except once....
While sharing the message of “what Christmas is all about,” Linus drops his blanket at the exact moment he says the words, “fear not!”
In this seemingly innocent moment, Linus delivers a powerful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. We are to “fear not”, for Jesus is born. We needn’t rely on material things for security, we have God with us, “Immanuel”, (Matthew 1:23) Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior - the true meaning of Christmas.
Awhile back, someone informed me, indignantly so, that Linus picks up his blanket at the end of the speech so my interpretation must be wrong. Well, he was right, Linus does pick up his blanket at the end of his speech. However, he “drops” it again later...
Amid big, bright, colorful, shiny artificial trees, Charlie Brown chose the least of these, a little, wooden tree with just a few branches. Shortly thereafter, Linus uses his blanket to wrap about the base of the tree and says, “Maybe it just needs a little love”. In that moment, the tree “awakens”, stands tall and firm. A reminder that no matter who we are, how many mistakes we’ve made, a “little love” can make all the difference.
Let’s strive to “fear not” (Luke 2:10) and “love one another” (John 13:34), not just at Christmastime, but the whole year through.”
Borrowed from
Charlene M. Speer & ‘Christian Life Ministry’ on Facebook...
During the American Revolutionary War only three percent of the colonists actively supported the revolution. Forget about your dreams of leading the masses and "building up a base." The masses will always follow the path of least resistance. Jesus chose only twelve followers and one of them was a traitor. Concentrate upon finding and allying yourself with that reliable three percent of hard men who will actually do the job.
Do not compromise either morally or politically. Moral compromise inevitably leads to political compromise and betrayal. Ally yourself only with men of honor who will not compromise.
Do not allow yourself to be identified with any political figure, movement or group. These labels are harmful and dangerous. Your "labelled" influence may be used by the unscrupulous to betray the cause.
Do not become a public figure. Avoid the media. Don't have your picture taken with public figures or for news coverage. Don't allow pictures to be taken at your meetings. Public anonymity is your best friend.
Keep your meetings small and private. If there are a hundred people in the room you can be certain that at least one is a federal informant or agent.
Meet in places where strangers are easy to identify.
Only share on a need to know basis. Work in cells. Only enough people for the specific task.
Remember that you may not see victory in your lifetime but honorable work in a just cause always bears fruit.
"The Resistance member must move through the people like a fish swims though the sea....."
Don't make waves unless it is to your tactical and strategic advantage.
Don't draw attention to yourself in action. Resistance leaders should be invisible in a demonstration or other action and their actual identities only known to a trusted few.
Don't draw attention to yourself in daily life. Your activities are nobody's business except for those actually involved. Disappear into the community.
Learn to use mafia speak. Not Sicilian slang but rather the ability to make important communications on media known to be bugged by using a set of code words and phrases based upon common knowledge known only to the people speaking. You may not fool the people listening for long but you will also not give them enough specific info for a warrant.
Be non-violent. In the face of massively superior force violence is counterproductive and even futile. Your weapons are your traditions, your ideas, your commitment, your honor and your moral superiority to those who would oppress you.
Accept the fact that your co-workers will betray you. A federal prosecutor can break just about anyone if they choose to. A good prosecutor can even convince most people that betraying their closest friend is the right and patriotic thing to do. Most people will turn state's evidence if their family or livelihood is threatened. Given that, keep your cells very small and when you notice a person wavering, let them go graciously and move on.
"Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the "political animal" that Aristotle defined. In effect, the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war. And conceived as the military target of guerrilla war, the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once his mind has been reached, the "political animal" has been defeated, without receiving bullets.
"Guerrilla warfare is born and grows in the political environment; in the constant combat to dominate that area of political mentality that is inherent to all human beings and which collectively constitutes the"environment" in which guerrilla warfare moves, and which is where precisely its victory or failure is defined. This conception of guerrilla warfare as political war turns Psychological Operations into the decisive factor of the results. The target, then, is the minds of the population, all the population: our troops, the enemy troops and the civilian population."
These are instructions for the training of guerrillas in psychological operations, and its application to the concrete case of the Christian and constitutional crusade to be waged.
This week in one issue of "Thoughts From The Resistance" I quoted the most brilliant military leader and political revolutionary of the 20th century. He was the father of modern asymmetrical warfare theory.
This man was a patriot for his own country. He fought bravely alongside the allied forces in WWII. He admired George Washington and repeatedly petitioned the U.S. to recognize him and his movement. Instead at the end of the war the US turned these loyal allies over to the French who had collaborated with the Axis. The French in turn turned them over to the Japanese whom they were using as colonial police until they could get their own troops back in their colonies.
After that, his people went back underground and within three decades had defeated the most powerful country with the largest standing army on earth, not on the battlefield, but on the entire range of warfare for men's hearts and minds.
What he has to say on practical matters of political warfare is at least as important today if not more so than anything from the American Revolutionary era since he developed and implemented tactics and strategies that work under modern circumstances against overwhelming military force.
His name was Ho Chi Minh and his betrayal by the US is an object lesson in both the un-trustworthiness of all politicians and the price that a nation must inevitably pay for betraying freedom seeking people.
This week in one issue of "Thoughts From The Resistance" I quoted a remarkable document. Most American Christians don't know that the U.S. under the Reagan Administration backed a Christian revolution in Latin America.
The most that most Americans know about this long running last of the "bannana republic" wars consists of a smattering of knowledge about the Oliver North debacle and a flag waving apocalyptic propaganda movie about what could happen if they failed, Red Dawn.
The document quoted was the CIA's psy-ops manual for the CONTRAS edited to adopt non-violent tactics.
Jesus the Revolutionary
"........ there have been some who have sought to portray Jesus as a political revolutionary. They have sought his endorsement, if you will, of their own political causes. In response, more traditional Christians have denied the revolutionary intent of Jesus, affirming that his efforts were spiritual in focus, and basically irrelevant to matters of governing and economics.
"In my opinion, both sides of this argument miss the point of Jesus’ message and ministry. To be sure, he was not your run of the mill political revolutionary. In fact, when the authorities came to arrest him on the night prior to his crucifixion, Jesus rebuked the efforts of his disciples to fight with weapons. He asked those who sought to seize him, “Am I some dangerous revolutionary,...that you come with swords and clubs to arrest me?” (22:53). In the original Greek of this passage, Jesus said, “Am I a thief...?” Yet the Greek word for thief (lestes) was used in this time for a guerilla movement that sought to fight against the Romans (see Josephus, Jewish War, 2.13.3). So our translation properly renders the sense of Jesus’ question. He was asking, “Am I your typical revolutionary?” The answer, of course, was “No.”
"But, though Jesus refrained from armed, political opposition to Roman authority, he was indeed a revolutionary in another sense. He proclaimed the kingdom of God, hailing God alone as the one true King over heaven and earth. He called his followers, as citizens of God’s kingdom, to live in a radically different way on earth. Rather than hating their enemies, they were to love them. Rather than seeking revenge, the disciples of Jesus were to turn the other cheek. No ordinary revolutionary would say things like this. But Jesus was advancing a deeper and more pervasive revolution, the overthrow of the kingdom of the Evil One and the victory of the kingdom of God.
"As followers of Jesus today, we should surely be concerned with and involved in matters of governing. But we misconstrue the revolution of Jesus if we make it primarily about a political agenda, no matter which one we prefer. Rather, we are to revolt against the values of this fallen world, choosing instead to live by the standards of God’s kingdom. Rather than seeking our own good, we are to seek what’s best for others. Rather than seeking revenge, we are to forgive. Rather than seeking to dominate, we are to serve. Rather than being consumed with hatred, we are to be people who love."
Cowardice almost always simply postpones confronting a danger. The US Supreme Court exhibited shocking cowardice by not addressing election fraud allegations. Trump acolytes are whistling in the dark hoping for a final miracle. Congress will cave, Biden will be confirmed and then (and let us pray this does not happen) the civil war will have begun in earnest.
The better path is non-violent passive resistance, simply refusing to recognize the illegitimate government in daily life. Just don't legitimize the illegal Marxist Junta by willing submission. The other alternative, the path of violence, will lead to troops in the streets, bloodshed and disaster.
In the days to follow, if you allow it to happen you will be taken on an emotional and factual roller coaster ride concerning the Nashville bombing. In the end, it is highly possible that "right wing pro-Trump terrorists" will be blamed.
Don't forget your history. Socialist have no compunction about committing violence for political ends and then blaming their opposition. The Nazi's burned their own legislature and then blamed it on their political opponents. Later, Nazi special forces raided a German radio station on the Polish border to give them a pretext to invade Poland and thus start WWII.
Don't let yourself be sucked into the planned political narrative federal law enforcement agencies use to "close" cases instead of "solve" them. Concentrate instead on who benefits and then make up your mind.
I have the annoying ability to figure out "who done it" in most modern movies, tv shows, etc. While I have shared my secret dozens of times people still look at it like black magic.
Well, here is the secret for all of you who can and will understand it and its not black magic. Just don't get sucked into the narrative. These people are putting on a show for you. Every piece of information they present is designed to either direct or divert your attention and thus your logical processes toward their desired result. It's all just a show.
Instead of following the narrative, use your head. Realize that no piece of information presented is irrelevant rather it is either a clue or misdirection. Instead of focusing on what the actors are saying and doing ask yourself what the WRITERS and DIRECTORS had in mind when they presented that piece of information or that scene.
When you do that you realize two things. First, the primary plot will almost always be very easy to follow and solve so long as you don't go along for the intellectual and emotional ride the writers and directors have planned for you. It is designed that way to keep you interested.
But second, you will also realize that there is a plot beneath the plot. In that plot, your are being fed emotional and intellectual triggers to guide your thinking and decision making process toward the current cultural and political narrative. AND THAT IS THE TRUE PLOT OF ALMOST ALL ENTERTAINMENT THESE DAYS.
A lot of people are fantasizing about a last minute Trump coup that will save the country from the effects of the most corrupt, illegal election in American history. So corrupt and illegal that it constitutes a left wing coup. While I applaud the efforts, the fact is that we lost the courts a decade ago and without a fair arbiter of the law it is simply not going to happen.
Others are fantasizing about armed resistance to a Biden Presidency imagining that they will call the population to arms, rally around the flag and armed with small arms and improvised devices take on the US Army. Yes, the US Army will follow orders and it will put down what the courts define as a "rebellion." Look at New Orleans during Katrina for a quick history lesson on this point. Or look at Tiananmen Square.
I would suggest that American Patriots look to another revolution for their model. Jesus Christ lived 33 years on this earth but he set in motion a revolution that overturned the greatest empire on earth in only 300 years. And, His revolution is still alive today in the hearts of His followers. What did this revolution look like?
First, it was non-violent. Jesus repeatedly refused to allow his disciples to become part of the violent Zealot movement that sought to overthrow Roman rule by force of arms.
Second it was non-political. The Jesus revolution concentrated on making disciples not political activists, strong men of faith with strong character and strong families who could convince others to follow them by the strength of their presence.
Third, it practiced passive resistance. The Christian martyrs were not crucified, burned, fed to lions, etc. for rebellion. Instead they simply refused to bow the knee to Caesar. And every time they martyred Christians, they diluted their own strength and bolstered their opposition.
Fourth, it looked to the long game. Instead of aiming for a quick victory in a bloody rebellion, the Jesus revolution counts every soul saved, every disciple made, every family strengthened, every work of charity given as an immediate tactical victory which bit by bit and piece by piece undermines and shames the corrupt government imposing its will upon the people.
At this stage in the game, the side that resorts to violence loses. If the new regime (I will not call it a government since that implies that it operates by the consent of the governed) has to resort to violence to impose its will eventually it loses. It is literally forced to show its hand and reveal what it is, a totalitarian regime imposing the will of a few upon the many. On the other hand, if the resistance resorts to violence, it gives the regime public justification to apply force to silence its political enemies.
The first American Revolution only worked because it was preceded by the Great Awakening. If we are to take America back from the scum that have seized power we are going to have to win back the minds and souls of the people before even thinking about any further steps.
A lot of people have conquering hero daydreams of Americans rising up under force of arms at a new Concord Green or Alamo. While that worked in 1776 it probably would not work today. Modern revolutions and counter revolutions are made of more subtle and sophisticated stuff.
The first goal of the Resistance is to resist. Not by force of arms but rather by force of will and character. This is difficult for many since it places the duty to act upon the individual in their individual capacity in their individual lives and leaves them no group identity to hide behind. The duty of the Resistance member is to passively resist wherever their conscience requires it.
The first rule of action for the Resistance is to refuse to recognize the incoming regime as a legitimate government of the United States. They may rule by force but the Resistance member refuses to let them claim that they rule by consent of the governed. That allegiance is reserved for legitimate governments truly operating by consent of the governed. The Resistance member will refuse to give that consent.
Instead, the Resistance member will treat the incoming regime as what they are, a left wing junta that illegally seized power which are now operating as an occupying force. Like the Jews in Jesus time the Resistance member may owe them some duty under Romans 13 but cannot give them allegiance. Christians are commanded to be in this world but not of it. The same must apply to this regime. While we may find ourselves in it we must not allow ourselves to become of it.
The effect of this rule of action is that Resistance members will clog up the system. By their non violent refusal to violate their conscience and enforce the rules of the illegal junta they will force the junta to employ increasingly more drastic measures to maintain the illusion of government by consent. This will in turn destroy the normalcy bias of the masses and de-legitimize the junta in the eyes of the majority of people who seek political accommodation. It will make rule by the illusion of consent impossible. It will force the hand of the junta and make them reveal themselves for what they are despots and tyrants.
How would this work out in practice. It should not be difficult for the committed Christian. If something doesn't seem right, don't do it. If your conscience or the Holy Spirit convicts you don't do it. If you know it is immoral don't do it. Here are some examples:
You are a delivery truck driver. Part of your route includes deliveries to an abortion clinic. Ask your boss nicely to either exclude the account from your route or assign you to a new route. Be kind, gentle and non confrontational but firm. And realize you may lose your job.
You work in a human resources office. You are told that only minority applicants will be considered for the open position you are interviewing for. Ask your boss nicely to assign this task to someone else since discriminating against ANYONE on the basis of skin color violates your conscience. And once again, realize you may lose your job.
You are a police officer. You are advised to look the other way when protestors from one side attack peaceful protestors from the other side. Refuse to obey the order and report your superior. And, you may lose your job.
At the end of WWII, American officers and enlisted men went through the city of Dachau and forced the local population at gunpoint to come out and see what they had been going along with for nearly a decade. DO NOT GO ALONG TO GET ALONG because some day someone, God if not an invading army, will force you to look at, see and smell what you allowed to happen in your country.
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