The chronicle of a dark and dangerous journey through a world gone mad.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Five Hard Questions About Your Personal Relationship With Donald Trump

Mark FranklandAs soon as Donald Trump appeared as a viable candidate in the last presidential election I noticed some frightening trends developing.  People tended to attribute near Messianic qualities to a man who can at best be described as highly flawed.  People tended to overlook the same bad behavior and character faults in Trump that outraged them when observed in Democratic candidates.  People tended to set aside long cherished traditional moral values when discussing Trump.  And, people tended to become very tribalistic about Trump.  If you did not recognize him as the anointed one you were deemed the enemy.

So, here are five tough questions to ask yourself about your personal relationship with Donald Trump:

1.  Have I ignored bad behavior and character flaws in Donald Trump that I would have condemned if he were a Democrat?

2. Have I changed or moderated my personal values and moral code to support Donald Trump?

3. Have I lost friends over Donald Trump or changed my relationship with friends who criticize Donald Trump?

4. Have I consciously or subconsciously reduced my social circle to only people who support Donald Trump?

5.  Have I seriously considered whether or not politics in general and Donald Trump in particular have become idols in my life?

As a President, Donald Trump continues to be a mixed bag.  He has done some good things.  But, he has also proven to be the most polarizing figure in American history.  And, we ignore this new trend of Americans to embrace a "strong man" and endow him with blind, near Messianic loyalty to our peril.

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