The chronicle of a dark and dangerous journey through a world gone mad.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Answer To The COVID Enigma

The Novel Corona Virus aka COVID19 is an enigma.  Scientifically, it is a tough virus to kill.  It can survive the high temperatures normally used to disinfect.  It is an aerosol  virus, spread by the very act of breathing, talking and especially coughing.  It survives for days on some surfaces.  Current science indicates that the virus may be with us for a long time and that a vaccine may or may not be effective in the long run.  The effects upon humans vary greatly but in cases where it it does take hold it is devastating.  And, it is capable of exponential growth and spread through a population if  not contained.  For those of you who don't know what "exponential growth" actually means get a mathematician to explain a geometric progression.  That's how an uncontrolled epidemic can spread. 

One of the greatest identifying characteristics of this crisis is its ambiguity.  We are flooded with what seems to be conflicting information.  The virus and the crisis it has engendered simply refuses to be described in normal terms.  And that is the problem.  Everyone, government, the church and the public at large are discussing and trying to mitigate this crisis in political, social and economic terms.

And that should be our first clue.  This crisis  refuses to be described in mortal terms.  Everyone, the church included, has thus far refused to recognize this crisis for what it is, THE JUDGMENT OF GOD UPON THE WORLD. When you view crisis in spiritual terms, it makes perfect sense.  God is perfectly capable of visiting a judgment upon the world that we neither understand nor are capable of handling in mortal terms.

The late, great Baptist preacher EV Hill once said, "When God sends tribulation, you had better tribulate."  I have watched the church deny the problem and rebel against reasonable attempts to control it.  I have watched politicians play political games with the situation and impose drastic, unconstitutional restrictions on our basic freedoms.  But most of all, I have watched the church and Christians view the problem in purely mortal political and economic terms.

What I have not seen is the pulpits of America calling us to humble ourselves, repent and call upon God to lift his hand of judgment from us.  And that is the answer to this crisis.  God has promised that "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land."

Again, that is the answer.  Admit that we have sinned against Almighty God as individuals and a nation.  Admit that we are incapable of even willing our next breath much less a world wide health crisis.  Admit that God and God alone can deliver us from this crisis.  And then ask Him to forgive us and deliver us from HIS hand of judgment.  If America will do these things, this thing will be over.  If not, we are looking at a long and tough road ahead.