The chronicle of a dark and dangerous journey through a world gone mad.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Hooker

On my way to lunch, I noticed a hooker working the corner of Admiral and Sheridan.  She wasn't the typical Admiral hooker.  She was well dressed and well groomed.  The hookers that work Admiral Boulevard and Eleventh Street can usually be read like an open book. Addiction, mental illness or just a really tough, often abusive, home life are usually evident at a glance.  This gal had none of that.  She appeared far too normal to be hooking.

She attracted attention from a distance because she appeared to be nude.  But then on closer examination, she still attracted attention because she was actually a pretty good looking middle aged woman.  She wore a light tan, snug fitting, lightly patterned, silk sheath dress that started about halfway down her cleavage leaving her arms and shoulders bare and ended about halfway between her knees and her derriere showing off some pretty fair legs.  A pair of 50's style, open toed, mid heel slide sandals completed her outfit. That's all she wore apparently because the dress was tight enough and sheer enough that anything underneath would have shown.  She wore her dark frosted blonde hair in a stylish short cut and her makeup was good. Her figure was far from girlish but her curves were in all of the right places.

As I drove through the stoplight, I wondered what in the world drove that woman to that street corner on a weekday afternoon.  It's dangerous.  That corner is frequented by Mexicans looking for company.  The girls are frequently beaten and abused.  This woman, even if she decided to sell herself, could have easily worked a high class bar or one of the hotels in a better neighborhood. Older Johns sometimes look for or even prefer someone closer to their own age.

Maybe she was literally a desperate housewife, turning tricks to bring extra money into the house. Maybe she was stranded in one the local hotels and needed to make traveling money.  Maybe she had experienced a bad run of luck at one of the casinos.  Maybe she was into kinky sex.  Who knows?

There are as many stories on a city street as there are people but I'll bet her story would have been an interesting one.

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