The chronicle of a dark and dangerous journey through a world gone mad.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

President, Hillary Guilty of Treason, Murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and Two CIA Agents .....

A sickening picture is developing concerning the murder of Libyan ambassador Christopher Stevens.  Overwhelming evidence has now surfaced which shows beyond reasonable doubt that:

(1) The American State Department (Hillary Clinton whose highest staffers have family and political ties to the Muslim Brotherhood) hired local Islamic militias which may have ties to Al Queda to protect the American Embassy and Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

(2) The ambassador warned for days that he was being set up for an attack and repeatedly begged for additional security which was not provided.

(3) When the attack did come, neither Clinton nor the President would authorize deployment of assets available on short notice in the region to rescue the Ambassador.

(4) When no one received orders to help, two CIA special operators on the ground in Benghazi went to the Ambassadors aid without orders.  In the middle of the firefight, they then begged for available air support to rescue them, which was not authorized.
through those Predator drones but did nothing to assist the ambassador or the CIA agents who ran to his assistance.

(5) There were AC-130 Spectre gunships available on very short notice and armed Predator drones overhead providing real time video of the firefight.

(6) White House and State Department officials watched the firefight in REAL TIME (7) White House and State Department officials then lied to the American People about the source of the attack and blamed it on a hapless Egyptian American who posted a humorous video lampooning Islam on YouTube.

Taken in context, this brings up an even more difficult question.  Why did Obama and especially Hillary Clinton want Ambassador Stevens dead?  Well, it appears that in their rush to arm the Islamist militias in the infamous "Arab Spring" movement which has gone so terribly wrong, millions upon millions of dollars of US taxpayer funds have wound up providing sophisticated weapons including state of the art air to ground missiles WHICH HAVE WOUND UP IN THE HANDS OF AL QUEDA.  In short, this is another "Fast and Furious" scandal on a far more massive scale.  And, the man who knew more about it than anyone else was Ambassador Christopher Stevens who apparently ran the gun running program in Libya.  And worse, the whole situation shows that the Obama administration's position that Al Queda was defeated by the assassination of Osama Bin Laden is an outright lie, that Al Queda influence is growing through the bungled US support of the so -called "Arab Spring" movement and that the entire Obama/Clinton foreign policy in the Middle East is not only a colossal failure but also treason. (see Front Page report HERE )

Glen Beck responded emotionally ( as usual) but his comments are directly on point.  What kind of country have we become when our highest officials:

(1) ALLOW an American ambassador to be killed despite his  almost daily pleas for help,

(2) Watch his murder on real time television and still do absolutely nothing to stop it despite the fact that they had multiple asset available which could have saved him, and

(3) Then lied to the American people about the source of the attacks and put forth a totally implausible story which just happened to further the interests of a UN initiative to make "insulting Islam" an international crime.

Glen is right.  THIS IS NOT AMERICA. Our highest officials have committed cold blooded murder to cover their bungling asses.  They deserve to be tried and convicted for murder. The father of one of the dead CIA agent calls O and Hill liars and cowards:

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