The chronicle of a dark and dangerous journey through a world gone mad.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Political Pragmatism and Christianity

I was recently asked to explain the inner workings of the American political system to a local civic group.  That presentation did not go well.  After much reflection I can only conclude that the truth is so painful and unacceptable that the average American will believe almost anything rather than face it. 

Like all discussions at this level, you have to begin with philosophy.  The American ruling classes whether political, social, economic, legal or academic all tend to follow the uniquely American philosophy of Pragmatism as espoused by 19th Century American philosophers Dewey and James. Their work is in large part Darwinism applied to the discipline of philosophy.  For the purpose of this discussion here are three highly simplified propositions defining it:

1.  The truth of a statement is defined in terms of its utility.  Useful statements are true or can be made true if they tend to accomplish the desired objectives.

2.  The utility of a statement and thus its truth is measured in terms of what the person to whom the statement is made will do or tolerate in light of the statement.

3.  The only way to refute strategies based upon this philosophy is to make the down side cost or penalty higher than the perceived utility/advantage gained by the statement. 

Let us test this theory with a modern political questions.  The President of the United States announces his support for homosexual rights despite the fact that a majority of his most loyal base SAY that they oppose them.  The President has been told by his political advisors that most Americans actually support homosexual rights and that his support for homosexual rights is a useful political move.

While the loyal base may argue that they do not support this proposition by continuing to support the President they MAKE his statement true by their actions ie their continued support of the President.  So, because the base tolerates the statement and there is no down side penalty to the President or his political party, the statement that most Americans now support gay rights is TRUE for their pragmatic political purposes.  And, the President and his party now know that they can make similar statements on other issues pragmatically TRUE as well.

And that is the danger of pragmatic politics for the Christian.  Political pragmatism cannot be separated from moral pragmatism.  When the Christian makes a pragmatic political decision that accommodates evil they also make a moral decision to trust in man and man made systems of government rather than God. 

Christians are not called to win elections.  They are called to be salt and light in a fallen world including the political system.  Christians are not called to compromise with sin for temporary political advantage, rather they are commanded to first expose it and then oppose it.  Christians are not called to be loyal supporters of any person or political party.  Rather, they are called to be a people set apart from the world system, to be the voice of the objective truth of God's world not the subjective truth of men and their politics. 

There is one facet of this argument where God and the philosophers agree.  Both God and the philosophers both correctly posit that you really believe only what you act upon and tolerate.  So, if you tolerate or vote for a politician who supports homosexual rights, no matter what you say on Sunday morning, in both the politicians eyes and God's eyes you support homosexual rights.

Think about it. 


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