2. Volunteer with your local Police Department or Sheriff's Dept. Many departments have an unpaid volunteer service corps which frees up sworn officers for more important tasks. You duties may be answering a phone, sorting citations, making copies, filing or just running errands. In some cases, your duties may be more interesting depending upon your skillset and background. Some larger departments recruit people with a professional background to advise their detective and intelligence divisions in their area of expertise. Smaller departments often just keep a phone list of trustworthy experts. This work may be highly confidential but it is also highly rewarding.
4. Volunteer at your local university. Student professional organizations are frequently looking for local professionals to advise and mentor students in their discipline. Someone with real world experience in a profession can make a lasting impact on young people just starting out.
5. Volunteer with a disaster relief organization. These organizations can use all kinds of talent and it is not all field work. They always need clerical people, skilled administrators and technical people. It takes several people in the background to put one emergency responder in the field.
6. Volunteer at a nursing home. It is highly likely that within a few blocks of your home,
there are elderly, bed ridden people who never have a visitor other than their caregivers. They have no family or their family doesn't visit. A few hours per week chatting or reading to these folks can make a real difference in their lives. The need for human social contact never goes away even if you are warehoused awaiting the inevitable.
These are just six of hundreds of ways a Christian can affirmatively show the love of Christ to the their community by actually doing something useful.